Mich De Lorme Blogspot

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Google Chrome Extensions 24 New SEO Plugins

Google Chrome Extensions 24 New SEO Plugins

I found this fascinating quote today:

Chrome Seo for modern search engine optimizers, search engine marketers and webmasters. Now more than ever seo is tied directly to the live web and real-time actions. Blog farms and scrapers, gave way to mass social spam and vote rigging. Brokering links was safe, then unsafe for Google whitehat seo, and everything in between. Page rank was abandoned even though its still with us. No-follow links and page sculpting turned out to be a shame, even with proof of concept.

seo-for-chrome Google’s chrome browser has been with us now for many month but only recently opened the extension arsenal to the world. Social tools, blog extensions, seo plugins and more can all be found. That was half the problem. With so many changes happening every day in the world of search more than the same old tools were needed. With so many old idea once again seeing the light of viable search marketing use, the old tools were sorely needed.

sem-group.net, Google Chrome Extensions 24 New SEO Plugins, Jan 2010

You should read the whole article.